
Bakas in the Filipino language means print, mark, trace, trail or vestige. This blog, then, records all those that left their marks or my impressions on anything under the sun :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

dressed up

Tomorrow ends the month of May. May is Santacruzan month.
Our parish's Santacruzan was held last Sunday.

While watching the parade of children in gowns, my younger
sister commented that we missed those when we were children.

My mother always had a firm idea of what the poor and the
rich should do. And since we didn't have money, parading in bought or
rented gowns and fully made-up, was just out of the question.

Perhaps, it is one reason why we like being bridesmaids at
weddings. There, we can wear gowns and look our best.

Below are pictures at my sister's wedding on May 11, 2002.

The other times that I was a bridesmaid, the gowns were
rented and not to my liking.


05-11-02-churchmarch Posted by Picasa

05-11-02-church Posted by Picasa


This week, my high school bestfriend Grace will give birth
again. This is her third child and a boy finally. A few other high
school friends are also pregnant. Why is it that I am not? :) More
accurately, why haven't I met the right one yet?

05-30-06 11:35pm

Monday, May 22, 2006


My logs (legs) are aching. I seem to have walked every nook
and corner of Quiapo in my search for a cheap laminator.

An article in Good Housekeeping magazine gave me the idea to
have photos laminated instead of framed. I know that photo lamination
is expensive so I thought that I would just buy my own laminator and
laminate to my heart's content :)

I walked from Plaza Miranda to Carriedo, to Raon, back to
Evangelista and circled back to Carlos Palanca. I entered buildings
and streets I've never been. I almost lost myself from Raon going to
Evangelista. Just as well that I saw the Good Earth building so I was
able to situate myself.

There were so many bargains that I had to constantly remind
myself that I was already over budget this month. But next month, I
will surely come back :)

Anyway, I'm still searching for a laminator. The types I
saw were all expensive.

05-23-06 12mn

Sunday, May 21, 2006


May is a good month for government employees because we get
half of our 13th month pay and bonus.

But usually, it has already been allotted for tuition fees
and other expenses at home.

I was allotting half of what I got for the quarterly payment
of my insurances and the other half was supposed to be saved. But
I've been spending so much this May.

Tonight, I just bought new eyeglasses. I know that it is
about time but I can't help feeling guilty that I added another
expense this month.

The eyeglasses I am wearing was bought in 1997. It may have
been expensive then but it has served its purpose well. Fortunately,
the grade of my eyeglasses were steady these past years. And I hope
that it stays that way so my new eyeglasses will also serve me long.

Hmmm...I just remembered that sidewalk vendors also sell
eyeglasses in Quiapo for Php 50 to Php150 only. One must know one's
grade, of course :) And I don't think they sell eyeglasses with high

An officemate buys reading glasses there time and again but
personally, I don't recommend it. Eyes are too precious to fool
around with. Take it from someone who has been nearsighted for more
than half her lifetime.

05-20-06 11:55pm

Saturday, May 20, 2006

foreign service exam

I just learned today that the deadline for the application
for the Foreign Service Officer Examination was last Friday, May 12,

Too bad for me. I thought that I would be able to take the
written examination this year.

I passed the qualifying examination last year but I didn't
go through the second part, which is the 3-day written examination. I
was so busy with work and German studies that I didn't have time to

Looking back, I think that it was meant to be. One week
before the written examination or last October 19, I experienced
severe abdominal pain. I was so busy with different tests in the
hospital and was finally detected with endometriosis.

Had I taken the examination, I would have only failed
because I was not in form.

It's just too bad that I missed the deadline this year. And
to think that the night before the deadline, my former boss, USec
Toots told me to take the exam. This was after she was informed by my
immediate superior that I've been getting 1.0 (excellent) in German
since Level 1.

Anyway, I believe that nothing happens without a reason and
I am where God wants me to be right now. But I hope I'll know the
real reason soon...aside from my forgetfulness :)

05-21-06 12am

Friday, May 19, 2006

another chapter

Our agency has another head. Secretary Renato Velasco
turned over PMS to its new head yesterday, exactly two months after
the last turnover ceremony.

In his short time with our agency, Dr. Velasco, as most in
our unit call him, has done a lot. And he would have made a lot more
improvements in PMS if he had stayed longer.

Before his term, our unit was taken out of the PMS table of
organization, in consonance with the Rationalization Program that is
being implemented in the government.

When Dr. Velasco took over PMS' helm, SWG was returned in
the table of organization.

Dr. Velasco also helped me personally in his brief stay with
PMS. He personally recommended to PCSO my request for medical

I learned through an ultrasound last March 28 that my right
ovary already has two follicles, which were detected cystic. My
OB-gyne prescribed what she terms more "aggressive" but more expensive
medicines for six months, as the pills as I am taking now don't seem
to work on me. She again prescribed me to take either Zoladex
(goserelin acetate) or Danazol (Ladogal).

When I asked Mercury Drug Store and Med Express last April,
both of them quoted the same price. Danazol would cost me Php
47,070.00 and Zoladez, Php 60,055.55 for six months.

My doctor again told me to get pregnant as it's the only
other acceptable solution and more effective one.

But since I don't even have a boyfriend, it is easier for me
to find the money to take expensive medicines than to get pregnant.

And Dr, Velasco readily helped me.

05-19-06 12am

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Good Housekeeping

Last March, an article in Good Housekeeping magazine
featured beautiful vacation places this summer. It attracted my
attention and since then, I've been buying copies of this magazine,
including back issues.

I find it very informative. I particularly look forward to
its tips on decorating the house and how to spend/save/invest money.

After our German class last night, Tranqs and I passed by SM
City Manila. There were more back issues of Good Housekeeping
magazine. And of course, I bought more.

I recommend an article in the December 2005 issue entitled
"'Wag Waldasin ang Bonus! Save and Invest Now" (don't squander your
bonus, save and invest now). I wish that I read it then (December) or
even just before the giving of our half-year bonus last week.

Anyway, the tips were almost the same as the ones featured
in the Entrepreneur magazine (which I wrote about last Saturday).

In summary, it advises one to place one's money in time
deposit, unit investment trust fund (UITF), mutual fund such as in
Prosperity Money Market Fund or PhilEquity Fund, invest in stocks
directly or go into business.

The good thing about this article is that it advises one in
which banks or places to go to or to contact.

05-16-06 11:50pm

Monday, May 15, 2006

investing on teeth

I spent last Saturday's morning at the dentist.

I finally had all teeth that need fillings seen to. Year in
and year out, I told myself that I would have these filled. But much
as I wanted to, my budget wouldn't allow it. Every time I went to the
dentist for prophylaxis or cleaning, I was always told that some teeth
needed to be filled. But I could only afford one filling every year
and I always tell the doctor to choose the worst one. Last year, I
was told that each filling was Php 500.00.

This year, I have some extra cash and I had nine fillings.
My dentist asked me before the procedure if I was sure and I
confirmed. I didn't know that it would take two and a half hours :)
I thought that I would have lockjaw for keeping my mouth open that

Anyway, I'm glad that I finally got it over with.

I know so many people who have dentures and how difficult it
is for them to eat. And I know that simple preventions such as
prophylaxis and fillings could have prevented it. I know that taking
care of my teeth is a wise investment.

05-15-06 11:55pm

Sunday, May 14, 2006

diet holiday

Forget diet! That's what I did this Mother's Day.

My mother, my sisters and I partook of Dad's Restaurant's
Ultimate Buffet or Eat All You Can package at SM Megamall. Although
we were only four, our bill reached a few pesos short of Php 3,000.

There was a long queue when we got there. It was already
1:30 p.m. when we got in. And I immediately went to the dessert
table. Everything was delicious – the cream puff, éclair, chocolate
cake, walnut-vanilla cake, brazo de mercedes, maja blanca,
buko-pandan, halu-halo, etc. I was so full that I could only taste
the different ice creams, but not more. Of course, I also ate a lot
of shrimp tempura and crabsticks.

It was good that we brought my 7-month old nephew Ardi. We
took turns in taking care of him and carrying him out of the
restaurant that when one got back to our table, one would have some
more room to eat again.

We left Dad's by 4:00 p.m. Mothers were given stuff toys. I
was also given one. I must have been confused for Ardi's mother.

After mass, we drank some coffee from Brownies but eating
French fries, was the limit. I was full to my neck.

And to think that I have been so careful with my diet the
past month and a half. For health reasons and of course, vanity, I
have been on a low salt, low fat diet. Actually, one of my doctors
put me on no milk, caffeine, sour and spicy foods, fasting and
feasting last month because of hyperacidity. Low fat diet is the
result of my mildly fatty liver.

I have been trying to change my diet and been browsing
through a lot of recipes to improve my health. Last May 5, I bought
seven cookbooks that featured recipes that are supposed to be low on
everything but taste and nutrition :) I have so far sampled only a
few and I have yet to be satisfied.

05-14-06 11:55pm

Saturday, May 13, 2006

slowly but surely in the money game

I finally got my trust fund certificate from Banco de Oro tonight.

I opened the account last Saturday but I had no time to
pick-up the certificate the past days. The bank closes at 7 p.m. and
I go home later than that.

My sister and I discussed placing what little money we have
in Treasury bills. But as advised by Entrepreneur magazine, from
where we got the idea, we found out that small-denominated treasury
bills are easily sold and not easily available.

The same article pointed out that so many people are unaware
about personal investments and keep their money in piggy banks,
savings accounts or time deposits.

It advised passive entrepreneurship as an option towards
financial independence. Under this are three basic investments

a) Treasury bills and Treasury bonds
b) Mutual funds (equity and fixed-income investments)
c) Cooperatives (which invest in T-bills, T-bonds and mutual funds)

My sister placed her money again in Banco de Oro. I learned
that her money is earning more interest than mine does in a year. So,
I withdrew the little money I had on time deposit at another bank.
Coupled with the sum I got last month from my ten-year membership in
Pag-IBIG Fund, I also opened an account in Banco de Oro.

I hope that I made the right choice.

05-13-06 11:40pm

Friday, May 12, 2006

Paper trail

I got some financial medical assistance from the Philippine
Charity Sweepstakes Office yesterday.

Before the check was given to me, an acquaintance from the
General Manager's Office had to guarantee the Treasurer's Office that
it would be liquidated soon.

It seems that PCSO now requires patients to buy the
medicines first and then reimburse the patients later. It is not so
surprising as PCSO must ensure that its funds are used for the purpose
these were requested and not for anything else so that only those who
are real needy are helped.

Those who would like to seek medical assistance from PCSO
might want to check this site:

05-12-06 10:45pm

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A full day

It has been quite a long day but a satisfying one. I feel
so full at least :)

My officemates and I attended our big boss's birthday party
at the City Garden Hotel, Makati.

As soon as I got there, I attacked the tarts even before I
greeted my boss. My excuse is that he was busy cutting his cake in
front of a big audience and I was quite dizzy. I wasn't so hungry so
it must have been due to the elevator ride to the roof deck, where the
party was.

Before the party, I had a class in German and I snacked on
Jollibee French Fries, Swirly Bitz (cookies and cream) and Iced Tea.
My teacher in German thought we should eat first before we watch the
film, Charlotte S at the Goethe Institute. It was the first time I
went there. As for the movie, I couldn't really appreciate it. It
must be the difference in cultures. I like, though, the songs sang by
the character of the stepmother named Madonna. One was a song I also
heard at a movie set during the first world war, Merry Christmas,
which I saw last December.

And to think that I thought that I would not see the end of
this day. I was very sleepy half the day because I waited until
almost midnight yesterday for an email that never came. It was work,
of course.

05-11-06 11:55pm

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

computer doctor

There are several reasons I haven't been regularly posting
on my blog. Among these reasons are:

a) My sister usually beats me to the computer during
weeknights to chat with her husband who's abroad. I normally post at
night – as a review of the day's events.

b) I get engrossed with the TV series I watch. The last one
(Jewel in the Palace) ends at 11p.m, at which time, I already feel so
tired and sleepy.

c) The computer I use at home is so slow at 64 KB RAM and 2
GB unused of its hard disk. Just the thought of waiting for it to
load at 11 p.m. makes me more tired.

d) And for almost two months now, it suddenly turns off. It
turns off more frequently when I go online. Sometimes, it doesn't
restart, even if I give it a few minutes rest. Last weekend, it
wouldn't power on.

Who would like to type late at night in a computer that is
so slow and frequently turns off?

I've been telling people that my computer is dying :)

But tonight, the computer has been on for three hours and it
hasn't turned off yet.

It is thanks to my officemate and classmate in German, Tranqs.

I told him the problem with my computer and he fixed it at
the office today. He added additional memory and I don't know what
else. The point is that this whiz kid fixed the computer in less than
an hour. The last time I asked someone from our ITO fix this
computer, it took three months.

Now, it doesn't suddenly shuts down and is a lot faster. I
hope it stays this way.

If you want someone to fix your computer or assemble one,
you may want to contact him.

05-09-06 11:20pm

Friday, May 05, 2006

new look

I suddenly have the urge to change the look of my blog. It
should have been a zap if the computer I'm using is not so slow today.

Actually, I only changed the template. And I did it several
times :) One template had these circles that reminds me too much of
my cysts, so I discarded it.

Anyway, I haven't written again for several days although I
have some ideas I'd like to share.

If you don't find anything new on this blog, please visit my
photo blog at You'll at least be
entertained by the pictures there.

05-05-06 5:15pm

Monday, May 01, 2006

Taxi adventures

I spent this Sunday and Labor Day with relatives in Violago
Parkwoods. We don't have a car so we always take a taxi to and from

When I told the taxi driver that our destination was Violago
Parkwoods near Montalban in Rizal, he said that we already know the
arrangement for a trip that far (it's about 20-25 kms. North from
where we live in Manila). It sounded so much like the answering
machine at one call center before it records your message: "You know
the drill.")

Anyway, what the driver meant was that we should add
substantially to whatever amount would reflect in the taxi meter.

From the corner of Batasan and Litex Roads, I took note of
the taxi meter: Php 172.50. When we got off, the fare showed Php
217.50. I gave him Php 270.00 to cover the area from Batasan to
Parkwoods where he had little chance of being hailed. He demanded
additional Php 20.00. He said that trips that far should already be
by contract and not metered.

This arrangement is actually a lot better than one my sister
and I had a few years ago. My sister agreed to double to the fare.
For a Php 250.00 metered fare, we paid Php 500.00.

Tonight, my mother and I went to SM City Sta. Mesa
(Centerpoint) to do more shopping. The taxi driver didn't give the
Php 2.50 change when we went there.

When we went home from SM, our metered fare was Php 55.00.
I gave taxi driver the exact fare though he said that Php 50.00 would
do. But his kind is dying in this business.

05-01-06 11:45pm