
Bakas in the Filipino language means print, mark, trace, trail or vestige. This blog, then, records all those that left their marks or my impressions on anything under the sun :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

investing on teeth

I spent last Saturday's morning at the dentist.

I finally had all teeth that need fillings seen to. Year in
and year out, I told myself that I would have these filled. But much
as I wanted to, my budget wouldn't allow it. Every time I went to the
dentist for prophylaxis or cleaning, I was always told that some teeth
needed to be filled. But I could only afford one filling every year
and I always tell the doctor to choose the worst one. Last year, I
was told that each filling was Php 500.00.

This year, I have some extra cash and I had nine fillings.
My dentist asked me before the procedure if I was sure and I
confirmed. I didn't know that it would take two and a half hours :)
I thought that I would have lockjaw for keeping my mouth open that

Anyway, I'm glad that I finally got it over with.

I know so many people who have dentures and how difficult it
is for them to eat. And I know that simple preventions such as
prophylaxis and fillings could have prevented it. I know that taking
care of my teeth is a wise investment.

05-15-06 11:55pm


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