
Bakas in the Filipino language means print, mark, trace, trail or vestige. This blog, then, records all those that left their marks or my impressions on anything under the sun :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

dressed up

Tomorrow ends the month of May. May is Santacruzan month.
Our parish's Santacruzan was held last Sunday.

While watching the parade of children in gowns, my younger
sister commented that we missed those when we were children.

My mother always had a firm idea of what the poor and the
rich should do. And since we didn't have money, parading in bought or
rented gowns and fully made-up, was just out of the question.

Perhaps, it is one reason why we like being bridesmaids at
weddings. There, we can wear gowns and look our best.

Below are pictures at my sister's wedding on May 11, 2002.

The other times that I was a bridesmaid, the gowns were
rented and not to my liking.


05-11-02-churchmarch Posted by Picasa

05-11-02-church Posted by Picasa


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