December 21 Christmas Party
something during office parties, unlike in 1997 until 2003. I might
not have won a major prize during our office Christmas party last
Friday but I got a Nikon industrial fan, at least :) I thought of
buying an additional fan when my mother and I change residence. Now,
I don't have to buy one.
I brought along my mother and niece Joy to our party. This
is the first time that I brought along family members at our Christmas
party. Many employees always bring along their children and some,
their boyfriends or girlfriends during Christmas parties or
anniversary celebrations. Since I don't have any of those, I decided
to bring my mother this time. In any case, many of my officemates are
familiar with my mother for in my 11 years in the office, my mother,
and any of my nieces and nephews join office outings.
Despite all the work-related problems and tensions these days
(especially since September), I feel blessed and happy :)
12-27-07 11:58pm